mercoledì 20 agosto 2014

Thoughts infinite

I live in America, yet without balance, feelling yet alien, still "on loan", still "in test". I live in America in the expectation to feel at home.

Every day I open the eyes before the alarm clock, but it is no longer blame the time zone. I open the eyes and the first thought is "another long day ahead" tired, with the desire to sleep, for fear of making a mistake, not to be included, say or do something that no one could understand, to ruin everything in a single moment of distraction, in a single moment from "not american". Then the moment of fear and anguish passes and reaches the second thought "another long day ahead" a thought strong, stronger than everything and everyone, a positive thinking. That thought that reminds you that you're here to do great things. You're here to make you feel alive every minute of your life, you're here to be swept away from the chasm of stimuli that in every single moment you crosses. Not understand them all, not now, not ever, but there you have to live here, because you're here to learn, to be better, to live, not by american, not immigrants, but to simply live with your head held high, proud of what you are and that takes you inside. You'll get back to house different and already know, but not for strength and a bad thing.
The alarm is going to play, it is time to get up, sometimes you want to turn off the brain, are the 6 is too early to think about. But you can't stop you. You're terribly tired because the moment that you're dropped from that first transoceanic flight your mind has never stopped.
There are too many new things, different, weird, interesting, educational, import, incomprehensible, similar but so partridges views here. There are too many words that you can't remember it, the roads you have to remember.
 Ok, now it's time to start working, your schedule and li before your eyes, but there is a problem. Six wake up by more than an hour and still can't believe you can that is all true, that this is your new home, your new family. The fear there is no more. No anguish. Simple amazement, which still today after more than two weeks, and strong and overwhelming as the first day. And on the face you tick a smile, finally the first from when you woke up, that smile that you have on the face all day every day, the smile of those who are thinking "ok new world show me something incredible today also clost . And it will happen. Each day will happen something incredible. AND thou knowest. And it is magnificent.

 Everything I do, every thing I see, every moment of my life here it seems to me to stay in a film. I cannot believe that this is my way, everything is so extracted from me. And yet I am not on tv, and this guys gives you an incredible feeling every day. I can only say one word. AMAZING !

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